When you use our shipping search engine to compare prices and services, you will see different service options that you can contract. You can also filter by type of delivery (Economy, Express, Standard).
Transit times are detailed in the blue box to the left (24 hrs, 24/48 hrs, 3-4 days, etc.). Please note that apart from services with guaranteed delivery, all transit times displayed on Packlink are approximate and are based on the estimates of the transportation companies.
To calculate the delivery date of your shipment, please consider the following:
- The first transit day is the one following the collection.
- Remember that Saturdays, Sundays and holidays don't count are not counted when calculating transit time. This means that if you finalise an order with collection on a Monday with a transit time of 3-4 working days (and there are no holidays in between) then it would be delivered on Thursday or Friday.
- Customs inspections are not included in the transit time calculation.
During the purchasing flow, in the search results, in addition to the transit time displayed on the top left corner, you can click Details, to check all the information about the service, depending on the destination.
Please check the following examples, to calculate the estimated delivery date:
Transit in 24 hours
- Origin > Barcelona
- Destination > Madrid
- Pick up: Friday 13th May
- Delivery: would take place on Tuesday 16th May, as May 15th is a holiday at destination.
Transit in 48/72 hours
- Origin > Barcelona
- Destination > Madrid
- Pick up: Friday 13th May
- Delivery: would take place on Thursday 18th May, as May 15th is a holiday at destination.
Transit in 3-4 days
- Origin > Barcelona
- Destination > Poland
- Pick up: Monday 2nd May
- Delivery: would take place on 6th May, as May 5th is a holiday in Germany (transit point of the goods).
Transit 6 days
- Origin > Burgos - Spain
- Destination > Bang Khlo - Thailand
- Pick up: Wednesday 6th March.
- Delivery: would take place on Thursday 14th March (excluding any customs clearance time required by the destination country).