Before shipping, it is important to check the restrictions of the country of origin/destination, as well as the documentation required, to avoid unwanted withholding.
Make sure your shipment doesn't include goods displayed in our list Prohibited and non compensation items.
Most customs offices have a website where you can find all the details necessary for your shipment to be processed without issues: restrictions, documentation, specific regulations, etc.
Here’s a list of links to the main customs offices, where you can check all the information you need for sending your parcels:
- Afghanistan
- Armenia
- Azerbaijan
- Bahrain
- Bangladesh
- Brunei
- Bhutan
- Cambodia
- China
- Georgia
- Hong Kong
- India
- Indonesia
- Iran
- Iraq
- Israel
- Japan
- Jordan
- Kyrgyz Republic
- Kuwait
- Laos
- Lebanon
- Macau
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mongolia
- Myanmar
- Nepal
- North Korea
- Oman
- Pakistan
- Palestine
- Philippine
- Qatar
- Saudi Arabia
- Singapore
- Siria
- South Korea
- Sri Lanka
- Thailand
- Taiwan
- Tajikistan
- Timor Leste
- Turkmenistán
- Turkey
- United Arab Emirates
- Uzbekistan
- Vietnam
- Yemen