Yes! When you purchase a shipment or request a quote via our platform, you can filter the search results according to your preferences.
By applying the filters, you will find the available services quickly.
To filter your search, please follow these simple steps:
- Go to the Packlink homepage.
- Insert the country and postcode of the parcel´s origin and destination.
- Insert the weight in kilos and the measurements in centimetres of the package/envelope (already packed). If your shipment includes more packages, click on Add another package.
- Click on Ship now.
- Click on Filter your shipping preferences and a new tab will automatically open on your right with all the filters:
- Recommended services.
- Couriers you prefer.
- Where to deliver the parcel. Bring it to a drop-off point/ParcelShop or collect it at a residential address.
- Where to receive the parcel. Deliver it to a drop-off point/ParcelShop or to a residential address.
- Transit time.
Extra features.
- Cash on delivery accepted.
- No printer required.
- Select the filters you want to apply and click on See results.
If there are no services that match your criteria, the system will indicate No results.
- Click on Clear filters to return to unfiltered results.
- To remove the selected filters, click on them again.
- Click the icon to close the Service filters panel.